Friday, December 16, 2011

Certain Provisions on the Administration of Micro-Blog Development

Beijing Municipal Government Information Office, Public Security Bureau, Communications Administration, and Internet Information Office jointly issued the "Certain Provisions on the Administration of Micro-Blog Development" on December 16, 2011. 

Certain Provisions on the Administration of Micro-Blog Development

Article 1. These provisions are enacted in order to regulate the development of micro-blog management, maintenance, network communication order, information security, protection of Internet information services unit and micro-blog user's legal rights, to meet the public demand for information on the Internet, to promote healthy and orderly development of the Internet, according to the "PRC Telecommunications Regulations," "Measures on the Administration of Internet Information Services," and other laws, regulations, rules, combined with the actual situation of the city.

Article 2. All websites launching micro-blog services and micro-blog users in the city's administrative area shall comply with these regulations.

Article 3. The development of management of this city's micro-blogs is conditioned upon the principles of active usage, scientific development, administration in accordance with the law, and ensuring security, in order to promote the building, utilization, and giving expression to a positive role for micro-blog services in the community.

Article 4. Websites that launch micro-blog services shall abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations, and rules, and operate in a sincere, honest, and civilized manner, actively spread the core values of the socialist system, disseminate socialist advanced culture, and build a socialist harmonious society.

Article 5. This city has formulated a micro-blog service development plan, and regulates the development the quantity, structure, and layout of micro-blog services sites.

Article 6. Websites that launch micro-blog services within the city's administrative area shall either apply for a telecommunications operators license or carry out registration procedures for a non-commercial Internet Information Service, and shall submit an application to the municipal Internet information content administration department, and shall be subject to examination, verification, and approval. 

Article 7. Anyone who launches a micro-blog services website shall comply with relevant laws, regulations, rules, and the following provisions:

(i) establish comprehensive micro-blog information security management systems;

(ii) based on the number of users and amount of information on the micro-blog, establish a department that is responsible for information security, and allocate personnel with the requisite professional knowledge and skills;

(iii) implement technical security control measures;

(iv) establish user information security management systems to protect user information security, and strictly ensure that user information is not disclosed;

(v) establish a comprehensive system of exposing false information and the timely publication of truthful information;

(vi) do not provide an information gateway to websites that have not either undertaken telecommunication business licensing approval or registration as a non-commercial Internet information service;

(vii) do not create fake micro-blog users;

(viii) stop and restrict users that spread of harmful information stop, and make a timely report to the public security authorities upon discovery of any act that constitutes a violation of public order or that is suspected of being a crime;

(ix) assist and cooperate with relevant departments in the execution of their administrative work.

Article 8. Websites that launch micro-blog services shall establish a comprehensive system for the examination and verification of information content, and shall supervise all information content production, copying, publication, and transmission.

Article 9. Any organization or individual that registers a micro-blog account and produces, reproduces, publishes, or disseminates information content shall use real identity information, and shall not carry out registration by falsifying or replicating a resident's identity information, business registration information, or organization code information.

Websites that launch micro-blog services shall ensure that the authenticity of registered user information under the preceding paragraph.

Article 10. No organization or individual shall make unlawful use of a micro-blog to reproduce, publish, or transmit information with the following contents:

(i) violating the basic principles of the Constitution;

(ii) jeopardizing national security, leaking state secrets, subverting the government, undermining national unity;

(iii) harming national honor and interests;

(iv) inciting ethnic hatred or ethnic discrimination, undermining national unity;

(v) violating the state religion policies or propagating cults and feudal superstitions;

(vi) spreading rumors, disturbing social order, or undermining social stability;

(vii) spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, terror or instigating crimes;

(viii) insulting or libeling other or infringing on other people's legitimate rights and interests;

(ix) inciting illegal assembly, association, procession or demonstration, assembling to disturb social order;

(x) illegal activities on behalf of civil society organizations;

(xi) contains content prohibited under other laws and administrative regulations.

Article 11. The Municipal People's Government Information Management Department, city police, city traffic management department, and the city department in charge of Internet content shall, according to their respective duties, engage in micro-blog development management related work.

Article 12. The Association of Online Media, Internet Industry Association, Communications Industry Association and other industry organizations shall establish and improve the micro-blog industry self-regulation system, direct websites in establishing and improving comprehensive micro-blog service standards, and conduct training and education of website employees.

Article 13. With respect to activities that violate the provisions of these provisions, any organization or individual may report them to the Municipal People's Government Information Management Department, city police, city traffic management department, and the city department in charge of Internet content, and the department receiving it shall handle it promptly in accordance with the law.

Article 14. With respect to micro-blog websites and users that violate the provisions of these provisions, the municipal people's government news management departments, city police, city traffic management department, and the city department in charge of Internet content shall handle them in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and rules.

Article 15. All websites that have launched micro-blogs prior to the issuance of these provisions shall carry out relevant procedures with the city department in charge of Internet content in accordance with these provision within three months of the date of publication of these provisions, and shall implement regulation of their current users. 

Article 16. These provisions shall become effective from the date of issuance.




第一条 为了规范微博客服务的发展管理,维护网络传播秩序,保障信息安全,保护互联网信息服务单位和微博客用户的合法权益,满足公众对互联网信息的需求,促进互联网健康有序发展,根据《中华人民共和国电信条例》、《互联网信息服务管理办法》等法律、法规、规章,结合本市实际情况,制定本规定。

第二条 本市行政区域内的网站开展微博客服务及其微博客用户,应当遵守本规定。

第三条 本市微博客发展管理坚持积极利用、科学发展、依法管理、确保安全的原则,促进微博客的建设、运用,发挥微博客服务社会的积极作用。

第四条 网站开展微博客服务,应当遵守宪法、法律、法规、规章,坚持诚信办网、文明办网,积极传播社会主义核心价值体系,传播社会主义先进文化,为构建社会主义和谐社会服务。

第五条 本市制定微博客服务发展规划,规定开展微博客服务网站的总量、结构和布局。

第六条 本市行政区域内网站开展微博客服务,应当在申请电信业务经营许可或者履行非经营性互联网信息服务备案手续前,依法向市互联网信息内容主管部门提出申请,并经审核同意。

第七条 开展微博客服务的网站,应当遵守有关法律、法规、规章和下列规定:










第八条 开展微博客服务的网站,应当建立健全信息内容审核制度,对微博客信息内容的制作、复制、发布、传播进行监管。

第九条 任何组织或者个人注册微博客账号,制作、复制、发布、传播信息内容的,应当使用真实身份信息,不得以虚假、冒用的居民身份信息、企业注册信息、组织机构代码信息进行注册。


第十条 任何组织或者个人不得违法利用微博客制作、复制、发布、传播含有下列内容的信息:












第十一条 市人民政府新闻管理部门、市公安机关、市通信管理部门、市互联网信息内容主管部门按照各自职责,做好微博客发展管理的相关工作。

第十二条 网络媒体协会、网络行业协会、通信行业协会等行业组织应当建立健全微博客行业自律制度,指导网站建立健全微博客服务规范,并对网站从业人员进行培训教育。

第十三条 对违反本规定的行为,任何组织和个人都可以向市人民政府新闻管理部门、市公安机关、市通信管理部门、市互联网信息内容主管部门举报,接到举报的部门应当及时依法处理。

第十四条 对违反本规定的网站和微博客用户,由市人民政府新闻管理部门、市公安机关、市通信管理部门、市互联网信息内容主管部门按照有关法律、法规、规章进行处理。

第十五条 本规定公布前已开展微博客服务的网站,应当自本规定公布之日起三个月内依照本规定向市互联网信息内容主管部门申办有关手续,并对现有用户进行规范。

第十六条 本规定自公布之日起施行。

Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

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