Monday, December 26, 2011

Translation: Court Judgment in Chen Xi Incitement of Subversion Trial

N.B. - The Chinese version was created using OCR, so may have some errors. Corrections (on the Chinese or English) welcome.

Guizhou Province, Guiyang City Intermediate People's Court

Criminal Judgment

(2011) Zhu Criminal Court First Instance Judgment No. 140

People's Procuratorate of Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, Public Prosecution Agency.

Defendant Chen Xi, formerly known as Chen Youcai, male, born February 28, 1954, Han ethnicity.Originally from Yulin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, college education, unemployed. Household registration in Yunyan District, #98, Apt. 14, Xianghu Rd., Guiyang City, Guizhou Province. Residing at #1, 23rd Floor, Unit 2 Building 7, Long Changfan, Guiyang Jinyang New District, Century City. On May 23, 1990, found guilty of counter-revolutionary propaganda and incitement and sentenced to three years imprisonment, and three years deprivation of political rights. Released from prison in June 1992 upon fulfillment of sentence. On March 27, 1996, sentenced to ten years imprisonment and five years deprivation of political rights for organizing and leading a counterrevolutionary organization. Released from prison on May 26, 2005 upon fulfillment of sentence. On November 29, 2011, detained on suspicion of being involved in committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power. Currently in custody at the Guiyang No. 1 Detention Center.

Defense attorney Xun Guangquan, Tianyizhihe Law Firm.

Defense attorney Bai Min, Tianyizhihe Law Firm.

In Indictment (2011) No. 162, the People's Procuratorate Agency for Guiyang, Guizhou accused the defendant Chen Xi of the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and filed its indictment with this court on December 14, 2011. This court convened a collegiate panel in accordance with the law, and held a public trial for this case. Liu Yi, Yuan Zhong, and Zhan Mibo appeared in court to represent the People's Procuratorate Agency for Guiyang, Guizhou in support of the indictment. The defendant Chen Xi and his defense attorneys Li Guangquan and Bai Min were present in court to participate in the litigation.

In its indictment the People's Procuratorate Agency for Guiyang, Guizhou accused the defendant Chen Xi of having twice been subject to criminal sanctions for crimes involving endangering state security. Since May 2005, he had used the Internet to publish 36 articles on many overseas websites including "For Three Citizens - Answering the Communist Party's Public Security," "I am a Democracy Party Member," "'June 4' Changed Me and Changed China," and "An Open Letter from the Chinese Democracy Party to the Chinese Communist Party." These articles incited the overthrow of China's people's democratic dictatorship's state power and socialist system.

With respect to the facts alleged regarding the foregoing crimes, the public prosecution agency set forth and produced relevant material evidence, documentary evidence, and authenticated conclusions, inquisition records, the defendant's confession, and other evidentiary materials. The public prosecution agency believes that the defendant Chen Xi's actions violate the provisions of Article 105(2) of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," and constitute the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and that his crime is severe. In addition, the defendant Chen Xi's actions fall within the provisions of Article 66 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," and he is a recidivist.

During the trial, the defendant Chen Xi and his attorneys offered a defense, arguing: Chen Xi did not have the intent to incite subversion of state power, that the articles he published did not include rumors or defamatory content, and were merely an exercise of the freedom of expression which the Constitution gives to citizens, and did not constitute the crime of inciting subversion of state power.

Following a trial it has been ascertained that the defendant Chen Xi has twice been subject to criminal sanctions for crimes involving endangering state security. Since May 2005, following the completion his primary sentence, he has made no effort to reform himself, and he used the Internet to publish 36 articles including "For Three Citizens - Answering the Communist Party's Public Security," "I am a Democracy Party Member," "'June 4' Changed Me and Changed China," and "An Open Letter from the Chinese Democracy Party to the Chinese Communist Party" on many overseas websites including "Boxun," "Liberty Lamp," "Yi Bao," "Democracy Forum," "Rights Defense Net," "Beijing Spring," and "Democratic China." These articles spread rumors and slanders about the Chinese Communist Party, saying it is "a criminal organization that ignores the law and violates human rights at will," that the people's government is an "'evil,' 'ruthless' dictatorial government," and that "We need to take a path that is different from that of the Communist Party, for we have no faith in any Marxism, much less any faith in any Communism, and further thoroughly reject the Communist Party's despotic totalitarian "Party under heaven," and "Let us view 'changing allegiance' as one different way of resolving problems." This incited the overthrow of China's people's democratic dictatorship's state power and socialist system. After the aforementioned articles were published on the Internet they were reposted by many websites and received extensive clicks and traffic.

The foregoing facts have been verified in court through the following physical and testimonial evidence:

1. The Qian Public Security (Internet) Kan[2011] No. 004 "Remote Testing Work Record" produced by the Guizhou Public Security Office's Internet Security Safeguard Unit proved that they discoved 36 articles signed Chen Xi that had content which incited subversion of state power on overseas websites including "Boxun," "Liberty Lamp," "Yi Bao," "Democracy Forum," "Rights Defense Net," "Beijing Spring," and "Democratic China."

2. The search records and evidence collection list created by the Jinyang division of the Guiyang Public Security Office proved that a lawful search of the defendant Chen Xi's home uncovered five hand written articles with content that incited subversion of state authority, and one computer and two USB sticks connected with this case.

3. The Qian Gong (Judicial) Examination (Document) [2011] No. 015 "Documentary Inspection Appraisal" produced by the Guizhou Public Security's Judicial Forensics Center proved that, based on a handwriting analysis, the five hand written articles with content that incited subversion of state authority which were uncovered during a lawful search of the defendant Chen Xi's home were written by Chen Xi.

4. The [2011] Computer Forensics No. 12 "Computer Evidence Appraisal" produced by the Guizhou Tianjian Judicial Forensics Center provided that the computer hard drive and USB sticks impounded during a lawful search of the defendant Chen Xi's home included electronic copies of 35 of the 36 articles that had been discovered posted on overseas websites.

5. The hard copies of 36 articles published online by the defendant Chen Xi, including "For Three Citizens - Answering the Communist Party's Public Security," "I am a Democracy Party Member," "'June 4' Changed Me and Changed China," and "An Open Letter from the Chinese Democracy Party to the Chinese Communist Party" were confirmed by his signature as having been published by him, and prove that in these articles he used rumors and libel to incite subversion of China's state power and the overthrow of the socialist system.

6. The "Remote Investigation Status" produced by the Guizhou State Security Bureau proves that as of November 9, 2011, the "Chen Xi Collection" on the overseas website "Boxun" which included the articles at issue in this case had over 360,000 hits. In addition, the three articles "For Three Citizens - Answering the Communist Party's Public Security," "'June 4' Changed Me and Changed China," and "A Response to the Activities of the United Nations "World Human Rights Year," written and published by the defendant Chen Xi that had been discovered on the "Democratic China" and other overseas websites had been viewed 1,443 times.

7. In his deposition defendant Chen Xi confessed that since May 2005, after writing articles on his home computer or in Internet cafes, he used "circumvention software" and the Internet to publish 36 articles including "For Three Citizens - Answering the Communist Party's Public Security," "I am a Democracy Party Member," "'June 4' Changed Me and Changed China," and "An Open Letter from the Chinese Democracy Party to the Chinese Communist Party" on many overseas websites including "Boxun," "Liberty Lamp," "Yi Bao," "Democracy Forum," "Rights Defense Net," "Beijing Spring," and "Democratic China, and that he received payments from the aforementioned websites.

8. The criminal judgment document and release evidence of the Guiyang Intermediate People's Court proves that on May 23, 1990, the defendant Chen Xi was sentenced to three years imprisonment and three years deprivation of political rights for counter-revolutionary propaganda incitement, and was released from prison in June 1992 upon fulfillment of his sentence. On March 27, 1996, he was sentenced to ten years imprisonment and five years deprivation of political rights for organizing and leading a counterrevolutionary organization, and was released from prison on May 26, 2005 upon fulfillment of his sentence.

9. Household registration materials proves Chen Xi's identity status.

This court finds that the defendant Chen Xi did, with the goal of overthrowing the state power of China's people's democratic dictatorship and the socialist system, use the Internet's special characteristics to rapidly and broadly transmit information with a large social impact and high level of attention from the public, to write and publish on the Internet articles that incited people, and used spreading rumors and defamation and other means to incite subversion of China's state power and overthrow the socialist system, and that his actions constitute the crime of inciting subversion of state power. The defendant's subjective malice runs deep, his crimes spanned a long period of time, the harm was great, his crime is severe, and therefore must be punished in accordance with the law. After having twice been subjected to criminal sanctions for the crime endangering state security, he continued and committed the crime of inciting subversion of state power. He is a recidivist and should be subjected to severe punishment. The public prosecutorial agency's accusation that the defendant Chen Xi committed the crime of inciting subversion of state power finds clear evidence and ample evidence, and the accusation is upheld. With respect to arguments and defenses put forth by Chen Xi and his attorneys, this court believes that in exercising their right to free expression, citizens must not harm the nation's interests or security, and must not use rumors or defamation to incite subversion of state power. In this case there is ample evidence that Chen Xi used the Internet's special characteristics to spread rumors and defamation and acted to carry out incitement of subversion of China's state power and overthrow the socialist system, and that clearly exceeds the boundaries of free expression, and in accordance with the law constitutes incitement of subversion of state power. Therefore the arguments and defenses put forth by Chen Xi and his attorneys are not tenable, and this court will not accept them. In accordance with the facts, nature, circumstances, degree social harm of the defendant Chen Xi's crime, in accordance with the provision s of articles 105(2), 66, 56(1), 55(1), and 65 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," this court finds as follows:

1. Defendant Chen Xi committed the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and is sentenced to a fixed term of ten years imprisonment and three years deprivation of political rights.

(The prison term is to be calculated starting on the day the judgment is executed, with each day spent in detention prior to the execution of the judgment to count as one day of the prison term. It will therefore run from November 29, 2011 to November 28, 2021.)

2. The defendant's computer and USB sticks used by the defendant Chen Xi in this case and seized in accordance with the law are hereby confiscated.

If the defendant does not accept this judgment, he may file an appeal with this court or directly with the High People's Court of Guizhou between the second and tenth day from the day after he receives the judgment document. A written appeal should be submitted with one original and two copies.

Presiding Judge Miao Fan

Judge Shu Zigui

Judge Shan Changhong

December 26, 2011

Clerk Dai Shu



















5、被告人陈西在互联网上发表的《为了三个公民-答共产党公安》、《我是民主党人》、《“六四"改变了我也将改变中国》、《中国民主党致中国共产党的公开信》等36篇署名文章纸质件,经其签字确认系其所发表,证实其在文章中以造摇、诽谤的方式煸动颠覆我国国家政权、 推翻社会主义制度。










审判长 缪凡
审判员 舒子贵
审判员 单长红


书记员 戴舒

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