Monday, September 10, 2012

Translation: Chen Pingfu Indictment for Inciting Subversion

People's Procuratorate for Lanzhou, Gansu


Lanzhou Public Prosecutor No. 1
Indictment (2012) No. 120

Defendant Chen Pingfu, male, Han, born March 1, 1957, ID No. 6227251957-3-11415, college graduate, household registration: No. 101, 301 Xinxing Road, Shidong Village, Gaolan County, residing at Apt. 3B-202, No. 2, Fengning Deshang Residences, 284 Zaolin Road, Anning District, Lanzhou. Subjected to in-home surveillance on June 27, 2012 on suspicion of the crime of inciting subversion of state power, based on the decision of the Gaolan County Public Security Office.

Following the completion of an investigation by the Gaolan County Public Security Office, the People's Procuratorate for Gaolan County files a report of its investigation and its indictment with this court. An investigation in accordance with the law has shown:

From July 2007 to March 20012, defendant Chen Pingfu did on various occasions register blogs and microblogs under the name Chen Pingfu on Wangyi, Baidu, Sohu, Mtime, Sina, Tianya and other web sites, and published and republished 34 articles with titles such as "This is an Evil War  on Our Spiritual Home," "As the Weasel Serves the Chicken," "Oppose Barbarism, Act Civilized," "Pillaging? Enforcing the Law?," "When Ruling the Country in Accordance With Law Only Serves to Bind up the People," "An Unyielding Spirit Can Never be Subjugated!," "Learn From the Egyptians, We Will No Longer Tolerate the Deceptions of Flowery Speech," "I Can No Longer Suffer Humiliation in Silence," "Those Who Endure Socialism, Tolerate Difficult Times, and Dance Wearing Shackles," "Do Not Be an Accomplice to Slave Education," "The Horn to Overthrow Tyrants Has Already Sounded," "Get All Parties Out of Schools," "The Ghost of Autocracy's Knife - Hand it to Wang Lijun," "Do Not Toy With Me, The People of the World All Know," "If You Live, Awaken!," "Where There Are Great Leaders, There People Must Suffer!," "Shine a Bright Light on Reality, Use Enchanting Music to Move Society," "Those Intending to Stay the Tide of Democracy Are Opposing the Will of God," "Official Power is at the Heart of Autocracy, Civil Rights are the Heart of Democracy," "Chinese Characteristics -- The Leaders Produce the Ideology," "The Government May Not Take People's Livelihoods, The People of Tunisia Will Bring Down Ali," "Truth Has Force, Truth Has Power," "When Democracy and Rule of Law are Resisted, All Ethnicities Lose Out," "After Ten Days of Working Across The Country Trying to Make a Buck, I'm Once Again Sent Back Home, A Nightmare," "A Consensus is Forming in Humanity's Quest for Freedom and Dignity," "I Angrily Protest Relevant Agencies Denying Me My Right to Work and Earn a Livelihood!," "I Have Been Rendered Helpless, And Must Take This Path of No Return to Seek Freedom and Dignity," "I Want Freedom, I Want Dignity, I Want to Lead an Ordinary Life," "How Terrifying is This Tiger of Power," "I Have Been Cheated by My Own Servants in My Own Country," "A Nation Imprisoned by Ideology Has No Hope," "Having This Kind of Political System," and "The Greatest Enemy of Our Generation," stating that Marxism, Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Three Represents, and the Scientific Development Concept did not offer any benefits to society; that the Communist Party's governance knows only the suppression of the people and will not allow people to have a livelihood; that the current political system is insufficiently democratic; that democratic constitutionalism should be put into practice; and other viewpoints intended to incite.

Providing support for the aforementioned criminal facts: documentary evidence, material evidence, the defendant's statements, and other evidence providing proof.

This office believes that the the defendant Chen Pingfu did, in disregard of state law, disseminate speech attacking the Party and the government, vilifying and libeling the state regime and the socialist system, and that his actions violated the provisions of Clause 2 of Article 105 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," that the criminal facts are clear, the evidence is reliable and ample, and that he should be prosecuted for the crime of inciting subversion of state power. This indictment is filed in accordance with Article 141 of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China," and we ask that he be punished in accordance with law.

Respectfully Submitted to the Intermediate People's Court of Lanzhou, Gansu

Acting Procurator: Wang Hailong

August 2, 2012











Chinese version retrieved from:

Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the " @FreeXueBing " Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueq...