Sunday, June 27, 2021

Translation: Court Judgment in Case of Man Acquitted for Spreading Rumors, Disturbing the Peace, with "Patriotic" Intent

Translator's Summary: Police subjected Wang Doe to five days administrative detention for posting the following "factually incorrect statements" in a QQ chat room: 
"There has just been a riot in Xinjiang, Muslim Uyghurs killed Han people in Xinjiang. The Hui, who are also Muslims, go to Xinjiang and are subjected to high levels of interrogation and investigation by the police. Is that a problem?" 
A court rescinded that punishment on the grounds that "the subjective purpose of the plaintiff’s posting of the aforementioned statements was to persuade Internet users in the same chat group, not to spread rumors." Wang's stated intent was to post "patriotic and government-loving statements in the hope that during these extraordinary times Hubei people would understand and cooperate with the actions of the government." 
Even though the police stated in their administrative punishment decision that Wang had "disrupted the order of a public venue," the court said the police's decision was "lacking in primary evidence" and: 
"Although the statements contain sensitive words and language, they were not sufficient to constitute the circumstances of an illegal action that should be subjected to a public security administrative punishment."

Compare the results of this case with these cases where individuals were found guilty based on similar fact patterns:
  • Ilham Tohti Criminal Judgment as Summarized by the Supreme People's Court, - Ilham Tohti was found guilty based in part on the grounds that "On April 24, 2013, an ordinary case of assault among ethnic and Han students occurred at the Central University for Nationalities. After learning about the case, Ilham Tohti instructed the group members to distort the facts and wrote articles such as 'A Group of Han Students Assaulted Uyghur Students at the Central University for Nationalities," maliciously creating ethnic tension.'"
  • Man Claims He Intended to Insult Republican, Not Communist, Party; Still Gets 5 Days In Jail, - the Court upheld the police's decision to jail a man, even though he claimed "I was referring to the current United States President and Republican Party leader Donald Trump's government's supporting "Hong Kong Independence" activists, damaging "One Country Two Systems," bring chaos to my China, and furthering the realization of global hegemonism. The statements I posted online had nothing to do with China's governing party or government, and what was online was referring to the United States Republican Party government."
  • Man Given Ten Days in Jail for Tencent QQ Posts That "Openly Insulted Leaders of the Party and the State," - The court upheld administrative punishment for someone who posted the following statement: "Seven wolves will convene the 18th street burial clock plenary session; the meeting will discuss the liberalization of the lambs being put out to pasture; local  beasts of prey will be responsible for a portion of the flock's expenditures; give the sheep more sovereignty over their grazing; continue reducing the approvals required for being put out to pasture; resolve the problem of mutton allotment; reform the sheep registration system, with no division between black mountain sheep and plains sheep, they are one and the same; demarcate the reform routes for Xi big wolf and Li little wolf; bring universal happiness for the shepherds,  and keep the sheep ignorant of their fate; let the chorus ring out: Fuck your mother, Damn!"
  • At Least 10 People Convicted in China in 2019 for Twitter Posts that "Disturbed the Peace,"

 Intermediate People's Court of Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

Administrative Judgment

(2020) Ning 01 Administrative Final No. 282

Appellant (plaintiff in the original trial) Wang Doe #1, male, born December 12, 1979, Han ethnicity, refused to answer question regarding profession, living in Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

Appellee (defendant in the original trial) Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan, Xingqing Division, domiciled at Yinzuo Road, Lijing Street, Xingqing District, Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

Legal Representative Wang Jianrong, Director.

Retained Counsel Zhou Jianing, police officer of the bureau (upon special authorization).

Appellee (the defendant in the original trial)the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan, domiciled at Helan Middle Road, Nanfeng District, Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

Legal Representative Wu Qidong, Director.

Retained Counsel Liang Qiufeng, police officer of the bureau (upon special authorization).

Appellant Wang Doe #1 filed an appeal with this Court on the grounds that he did not accept the administrative punishment and administrative reconsideration cases by appellees the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan Xingqing Division (hereinafter the Xingqing Division) and the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan Public Security, and did not accept the Yinchuan Railway Transportation Court (2020) Ning 8601 Administrative Punishment No. 145 administrative judgment. This Court formed a collegial panel in accordance with the law, and held hearings in this case. The trial has now concluded.

During the trial of first instance the court found that at about 4:35 pm on March 5th, 2020, a user named "Natural Bastard" posted statements in the chat history of the QQ group "K-PAX": "There has just been a riot in Xinjiang, Muslim Uyghurs killed Han people in Xinjiang. The Hui, who are also Muslims, go to Xinjiang and are subjected to high levels of interrogation and investigation by the police. Is that a problem?" and "He said that he heard that the Hui people went to Xinjiang and were ordered by Xinjiang police to lay down on the ground and be searched."

Around 3:58 pm on March 9, 2020, the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan, Xingqing Division, Fenghuang North Street Police Precinct received this 911 call:"An Internet user in our city ‘Natural Bastard’ (QQ No.:×××, Name: Wang Doe #1, male, Han ethnicity, ID No.:×××, Household Registration: ×× District, Yinchuan, Ningxia) posted sensitive statements that implicated terrorism in Xinjiang in the QQ group "K-PAX" (Group No.: 64621635, Members: 6)." Later, the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan Xingqing Division, Fenghuang North Street Police Precinct determined that plaintiff Wang Doe #1 was in fact suspected of having posted non-factual information in a QQ group, and issued the Yin Xing Public (Fenghuang) Case Acceptance (2020) No. 10124 "Case Acceptance Registration Form," and decided to bring the plaintiff back to the precinct for investigation, and accept it as an administrative case.

On the same day, the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan, Xingqing Division, Fenghuang North Street Police Precinct issued the Yin Xing Public (Fenghuang) Administrative Summons (2020) No. 10007 "Summons," summoning the plaintiff to appear at the precinct before 4:40 pm on March 9, 2020 for questioning. It also issued the Yin Xing Public (Fenghuang) Administrative Summons (2020) No. 10009 "Notice to Family Members of Summons," notifying Wang Quanyi, father of the plaintiff, that the plaintiff had been summoned to the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan, Xingqing Division, Fenghuang North Street Police Precinct on suspicion of disturbing order in a public venue.

At about 4:40 pm on March 9, 2020, the plaintiff arrived at the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan,  Xingqing Division, Fenghuang North Street Police Precinct to be questioned. At 11:08 pm on March 9, 2020, the defendant Xingqing Division made an "Administrative Penalty Notification Record" informing the plaintiff of the facts, reasons, and basis for the administrative penalty, and informed him of his right to make a statement and proffer a defense. The plaintiff raised an objection in that record. Later, the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan, Xingqing Division, Fenghuang North Street Police Precinct in accordance with the provisions of Article 83(1) of the "Public Security Administrative Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China" issued the Yin Xing Public (Fenghuang) Extension Summons Authorization (2020) No. 10002 "Authorization for an Extension to the Time for Questioning and Verification," deciding to exten the time to question the plaintiff and verify evidence.

On March 10, 2020, the defendant Xingqing Division issued the Yin Xing Public (Fenghuang) Administrative Punishment Decision (2020) No. 10186 "Administrative Punishment Decision," which read: ……, It is a fact that at about 4:00 pm on March 5, 2020, Wang Doe #1 posted in the QQ group "K-PAX" that "There has just been a riot in Xinjiang, Muslim Uyghurs killed Han people in Xinjiang. The Hui, who are also Muslims, go to Xinjiang and are subjected to high levels of interrogation and investigation by the police. Is that a problem?,..." and other factually incorrect statements, ... It has been established that Wang Doe #1's illegal actions disrupted the order of a public venue. In accordance with the provisions of Article 25(1) of the "Public Security Administrative Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China" it is decided to impose an administrative punishment on Wang Doe #1 of five days administrative detention.…….and proceeded to serve it on the plaintiff. Later the plaintiff left the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan, Xingqing Division, Fenghuang North Street Police Precinct. On the same day, the defendant Xingqing Division issued the Yin Xing Public (Fenghuang) Suspend Detention Decision (2020) No. 10069 "Decision on the Suspension of Administrative Detention" deciding to temporarily suspend carrying out the plaintiff's administrative detention (Original Document Number (2020) No. 10186).

On March 10, 2020, the plaintiff did not accept the defendant's Yin Xing Public (Fenghuang) Administrative Punishment Decision (2020) No. 10186 "Administrative Punishment Decision," and applied to the defendant Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan for administrative reconsideration. The Defendant, the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan, submitted a "Notice of Reply" to the defendant Xingqing Division on the same day, requesting the defendant Xingqing Division to file a written defense within 10 days from the date of receipt, and submit the evidence and basis for the original administrative act and other related materials.

On April 15, 2020, the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan issued the Yin Public Administrative Reconsideration Decision (2020) No. 11 "Administrative Reconsideration Decision" deciding to uphold the Yin Xing Public (Fenghuang) Administrative Punishment Decision (2020) No. 10186 "Administrative Punishment Decision" issued by the defendant Xingqing Division. The plaintiff did not accept this and filed a lawsuit with the court requesting that a judgment in accordance with the law ordering:

1. Rescission of the Yin Public Administrative Reconsideration Decision (2020) No. 11 "Administrative Reconsideration Decision" issued by the defendant the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan;

2. Rescission of the Yin Chuan Public (Fenghuang) Administrative Punishment Decision (2020) No. 10186 "Administrative Punishment Decision" issued by the defendant Xingqing Division; and

3. The litigation costs in this case be borne by the defendants.

The court in the trial of first instance held: Article 25(1) of the "Public Security Administrative Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China" that intentionally disturbing public order by spreading rumors, making false reports of dangerous situations and epidemic situations or raising false alarms or by other means may be punished by detention of not less than 5 days but not more than 10 days and, in addition, a fine not more than 500 yuan; and if the circumstances are relatively minor, detention for not more than 5 days or a fine of not more than 500 yuan. The court held that so-called "spreading rumors" refers to the subjective and deliberate act of fabricating and spreading lies without facts to confuse members of the public who do not know the actual situation and disrupt the public order of society. In this case, the facts on which the defendant Xingqing Division made the decision on administrative punishment involved in the case were based on this post by the plaintiff in a QQ group: "There has just been a riot in Xinjiang, Muslim Uyghurs kill Han people in Xinjiang. The Hui, who are also Muslims, go to Xinjiang and are subjected to high levels of interrogation and investigation by the police. Is that a problem?" and other statements.

The aforementioned statement is not able to indicate clearly whether or not the plaintiff had the intent to spread rumors, and combined with the QQ chat records submitted by the plaintiff and the facts uncovered in the case, it can be determined that the subjective purpose of the plaintiff’s posting of the aforementioned statements was to persuade Internet users in the same chat group, not to spread rumors.

Although the statements contain sensitive words and language, they were not sufficient to constitute the circumstances of an illegal action that should be subjected to a public security administrative punishment in accordance with the law under the provisions of Article 95(1) of the "Public Security Administrative Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China." In summary, the administrative punishment decision issued by the defendant Xingqing Division and the administrative reconsideration decision issued by the defendant the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan are lacking in primary evidence and should be rescinded.

In accordance with Article 70(1) of the "Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China" the judgment is:

1. The Yin Xing Public (Fenghuang) Administrative Punishment Decision (2020) No. 10186 "Administrative Punishment Decision" issued by the defendant the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan, Xingqing Division on March 10, 2020 is rescinded;

2. The Yin Public Administrative Reconsideration Decision (2020) No. 11 "Administrative Reconsideration Decision" issued by the defendant the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan on April 15, 2020 is rescinded.

The case acceptance fee of 50 yuan shall be borne by the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan, Xingqing Division.

After the judgment was announced Wang Doe #1 did not accept it, and filed an appeal with this Court claiming:

1. Appellant submitted the reconsideration application and related materials to the Administrative Reconsideration Committee of Yinchuan Municipal People's Government on March 10, 2020, and the staff of the Yinchuan Judicial Bureau received the materials. On March 11, 2020, appellant received the Yin Public Administrative Reconsideration Acceptance (2020) No. 6 "Administrative Reconsideration Acceptance Notice" mailed by Yinchuan City Judicial Bureau. On April 17, 2020, appellant received Yin Public Administrative Reconsideration Decision (2020) No. 11 "Administrative Reconsideration Decision" from the Yinchuan Judicial Bureau. Therefore, the agency that accepted the application for administrative reconsideration of appellant was the Reconsideration Committee of the People's Government of Yinchuan, and appellant had not applied for administrative reconsideration to appellee the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan. But was received was an administrative review decision made by appellee the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan.

2. The trial of first instance judgment stated that appellant's remarks were just to persuade some Internet users in the same group, but that was not entirely correct. What appellant posted was patriotic and government-loving statements in the hope that during these extraordinary times Hubei people would understand and cooperate with the actions of the government during these extraordinary times.

3. Appellant's name appears in neither the Yin Xing Public (Fenghuang) Administrative Summons (2020) No. 10009 "Notice to Family Members of Summons" nor the Yin Xing Public (Fenghuang) Suspend Detention Decision (2020) No. 10069 "Decision on the Suspension of Administrative Detention" and they are based on illegal procedures. In summary, the facts found in the trial of first instance judgment were wrong and the procedure was illegal. It is requested that the court in the trial of second instance:

(i) Rescind the Yinchuan Railway Transportation Court (2020) Ning 8601 Administrative Punishment No. 145 administrative judgment, conduct a full retrial of this case jointly adjudicating criminal and civil liability;
(ii) Rescind the Yin Xing Public (Fenghuang) Criminal1 Punishment Decision (2020) No. 10186 "Administrative Punishment Decision," issued by appellee Xingqing Division;
(iii) Rescind the Yin Public Administrative Reconsideration Decision (2020) No. 11 "Administrative Reconsideration Decision" issued by appellee the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan;
(iv) Compensate appellant for all financial losses and emotional suffering in this case.

Appellee Xingqing Division argued that the facts as determined in the judgment of the trial of first instance were clear and the law was applied correctly. It requests the court in the trial of second instance reject the appeal and uphold the judgment in the original trial.

Appellee the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan argued that the facts as determined in the judgment of the trial of first instance were clear and the law was applied correctly. It requests the court in the trial of second instance reject the appeal and uphold the judgment in the original trial.

During the trial of second instance in this Court, the parties submitted evidence around the appeal request in accordance with the law. This Court organized the parties to conduct exchanges and cross-examination of evidence. Appellant submitted the following evidence to this Court:

Evidentiary Material One: One photograph. The contents show the "Administrative Punishment Decision"(Yin Chuan Public (Fenghuang) Criminal Punishment Decision (2020) No. 10186) issued by appellee Xingqing Division. Probative value: There is no appellant’s signature, stamp, and date of signature on the decision letter, and it is not legally valid. On March 10, 2020, the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan, Xingqing Division, Fenghuang North Street Police Precinct only gave the appellant a copy, it did not give him an original.

Evidentiary Material Two: Two videos. Probative value: Appellant only obtained the original of the March 10, 2020 "Administrative Punishment Decision" from the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan, Xingqing Division, Fenghuang North Street Police Precinct on April 20, 2020.

Evidentiary Material Three: One photograph. Probative value: The Yinchuan Municipal People's Government arbitrarily made a complaint to the police in a manner that violated human rights.

Evidentiary Material Four: Seven photographs. Probative value: Appellant objects to the identification of law enforcement officers. There is no person named Ma Yuelei at the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan, Xingqing Division, Fenghuang North Street Police Precinct.

Evidentiary Material Five: One audio recording. Probative value: Appellant suffered emotional distress as a result of the overall case.

Evidentiary Material Six: Two screenshots of the new web page of the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan. Probative value: There is a problem with the identity of law enforcement officer Ma Yuelei.

Appellee Xingqing Division believes that the cross-examination opinions for evidentiary material one in the trial of first instance should prevail. It has no objections to the authenticity, legality, or relevance of evidentiary material two, but it objects to its probative value. It believes that evidentiary material three is unrelated to the appellee, and did not cross-examine it. It did not cross-examine evidentiary material four. It has no objections to the authenticity, legality, relevance, or the probative value of evidentiary materials five or six.

Appellee the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan believes that evidentiary material one is not new evidence, and the cross-examination opinions in the trial of first instance should prevail. It has no objections to evidentiary material two. It believes evidentiary material three is not relevant to this case.  It believes evidentiary material four is not relevant to this case, and the staff who made the posting may not have been updated, and it fails to provide the proof sought by the appellant. It has no objections to the authenticity, legality, relevance, or the probative value of evidentiary materials five or six.

Based on the evidence produced and examined in the trial of second instance, this Court finds that the first, second, and third evidentiary materials produced by the appellant cannot be deemed "new evidence" under the provisions of Article 12 of the "Supreme People's Court Rules Regarding Certain Questions Relating Evidence in Administrative Procedure," and the fourth, fifth, and sixth evidentiary items failed to achieve the appellant's probative goals, and this Court does not give them credence.

The facts uncovered in the trial of second instance were identical the facts uncovered in the trial of first instance, and are affirmed by this Court.

This Court finds, according to the provisions of Article 12(1) of the "Administrative Reconsideration Law of the People's Republic of China:" "An applicant who refuses to accept a specific administrative act of the departments under local people's governments at or above the county level may apply for administrative reconsideration to the people's government at the same level; an applicant may also apply for administrative reconsideration to the competent authority at the next higher level." Appellant Wang Doe #1 did not accept the "Administrative Penalty Decision" issued by appellee Xingqing Division and could apply for administrative reconsideration to either the People’s Government of Xingqing District, Yinchuan or to appellee the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan. In this case, appellee the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan acknowledge receipt of appellant’s application for administrative reconsideration and issued an "Administrative Reconsideration Decision." It is a qualified defendant for administrative reconsideration in this case.

The judgment in the trial of first instance found that the statements posted by the appellant in the QQ group were not able to indicate clearly whether or not the plaintiff had the intent to spread rumors, and that they were were not sufficient to constitute the circumstances of an illegal action that should be subjected to a public security administrative punishment in accordance with the law under the provisions of Article 95(1) of the "Public Security Administrative Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China." There was no error in its rescission of the "Administrative Punishment Decision" issued by appellee Xingqing Division in this case and the " Administrative Punishment Decision" issued by appellee the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan in this case on the grounds of insufficient primary evidence. Therefore, appellant's appeal rationale cannot be sustained.

Appellant's first appeal request is not upheld by this Court. His second and third appeal requests have already been upheld by the court in the trial of first instance, and this Court need not review them again. His fourth appeal request was not raised during the trial of first instance, and can be raised in a separate cause of action, and will not be processed by this Court.

In summary, the facts in the judgment of the trial of first instance are clear, the law was applied correctly, and the procedures were legal. In accordance with the provisions of Article 19(1)(i) of the "Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China," the judgment is as follows:

The appeal is rejected, and the judgment in the original trial is upheld.

The trial of second instance case acceptance fee of 50 yuan shall be borne by appellant Wang Doe #1.

This judgment shall be the judgment of final instance.

Chief Adjudicator     Ding Jin
Adjudicator         Liu Yushan
Adjudicator         Ma Jianfei

October 14th, 2020

Clerk             Wu Jiamin



























审判长        丁瑾
审判员        刘煜姗
审判员        马建菲


书记员        吴佳敏

Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

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