Monday, July 24, 2023

Translation: The "Changsha Public Interest 3" Subversion Judgment

Translator' Notes:

  • The judgment was posted on the Twitter account of Cheng Yuan's wife: Below I have also translated the tweets that she posted accompanying the judgment.
  • The Chinese text was generated by OCR'ing low-quality images of the original court judgment posted online. I have attempted to identify and correct the typographical errors that may have been introduced in the OCR process. 

The Tweets of Shi Minglei (Cheng Yuan's wife), posted on June 13, 2023.

The labor rights project - 996icu - was the trigger for the arrest of the Changsha Public Interest 3. Cheng Yuan has devoted himself to public welfare since 2008. He has founded public welfare organizations such as Nanjing Tianxiagong, Guangzhou Pingji, and Changsha Funeng. He was once the head of the Beijing Yirenping Agency.

劳工权益项目—996icu是长沙公益仨被抓的导火索。程渊于2008年投身公益,曾创办公益机构南京天下公、广州平机、长沙富能,曾任北京益 仁平机构负责人。

The projects he has worked on include: equal rights for those with hepatitis B, equal rights for family planning victims, the right to bear a second child, the decoupling of household registration and family planning, assistance and rights protection for families who lost their only child, equal rights for the disabled, and the protection of LGBT rights.


Changsha Funeng's projects included lawyers' rights, labor rights, equal rights for the disabled, and trainer projects. Lawyers are the last line of defense in the protection of human rights. Cheng Yuan has been thinking about how to protect lawyers' rights and interests since the 709 arrests.


The allegations of subversion by public welfare organizations that focus on equal rights for vulnerable groups also shows that the totalitarianism of the Communist Party of China is not confident in the legitimacy of its own regime. The government of China has weapons, high technology, big data, the strongest firewall in the world, grid-based stability power precise down to every individual, and the placement of two face recognition cameras every 1000 meters. But they remain terrified. Afraid of workers having power. Afraid of people behaving like citizens. Afraid that average individual might understand the law. Afraid of the power of truth.


Cheng Yuan, Liu Dazhi, and Wu Gejianxiong were arrested by Changsha State Security on July 22, 2019, and were held incommunicado for two years. The six lawyers they hired were all forcibly dismissed by State Security and were then replaced with government-appointed lawyers. The trial will be held in secret in 2021. Subsequently, Cheng Yuan was sentenced to five years for subversion, Liu Dazhi for two years, and Wu Ge Jianxiong for three years. The three of them were cut off from all communication from the beginning to the end, and were deprived of the right to a legal defense. Even lawyer Wu Youshui was forcibly dismissed for defending his son Wu Gejianxiong.


This also shows that what Cheng Yuan, Liu Dazhi, and Wu Gejianxiong did is what the CPC regime fears most. They were so terrified that they did not even dare to allow a lawyer appear in court, did not dare to make the verdict public, did not dare to notify the family members and lawyers of the trial, held the trial in secret, and did not even dare to share the verdict with the family members or publicize it.


Why is the CCP regime so fearful? What are they afraid of? The truth. They are afraid that the people will know the truth, that the people will behave like citizens, and that citizens will have power.


For a totalitarian government that is so evil, disregarding human life, and arbitrarily trampling on human rights and the rule of law, social movements are unstoppable. Cheng Yuan is a practitioner of non-violence and an active participant in social movements. He is committed to pursuing equal rights and speaking for the disadvantaged. NGOs are an indispensable force in society in any democratic country. Only in China would one be charged with subversion of state power. It's not that Cheng Yuan is wrong, but that this totalitarian government should collapse.



Court Judgment in the Subversion Trial of Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi

Intermediate People's Court of Changsha, Hunan

Criminal Judgment

(2020) Xiang 01Criminal First Instance No. 54

The public prosecution agency was the People's Procuratorate of Changsha.

Defendant Cheng Yuan (also known as Jiangnan and Mike), male, born in Nanjing, Jiangsu on  [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED], 1973, citizenship ID No. [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED], Han ethnicity, technical school education, legal representative of Changsha Funeng Information Technology Co., Ltd., director of Hong Kong Yuanzhong Information Communication Co., Ltd., household registration at  [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED], Yuhuatai District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, renting at  [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED], Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong. On July 22, 2019, he was taken into criminal detention on suspicion of committing the crime of subversion of state power. He was arrested on August 26 of the same year. He is currently being held at the Hunan State Security Office detention center.

Defense counsel Wang Xiang is a lawyer at the Jinzhou Hunan Law Firm.

Defense counsel Tang Jie is a lawyer at the Jinzhou Hunan Law Firm .

Defendant Wu Gejianxiong (also known as Wu Qifan and Nagi), male, born in Yongxiu County, Jiangxi on  [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED], 1995, citizenship ID No.  [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED], Han ethnicity, college education, employee of Changsha Funeng Information Technology Co., Ltd., household registration at  [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED], Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, rental address  [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED], Wangcheng District, Changsha, Hunan. On July 22, 2019, he was taken into criminal detention on suspicion of committing the crime of subversion of state power. He was arrested on August 26 of the same year. He is currently being held at the Hunan State Security Office detention center.

Defense counsel Chen Hongyi is a lawyer at the Hongyi Hunan Law Firm.

Defense counsel Chen Ruchao is a lawyer at the Hongyi Hunan Law Firm.

Defendant Liu Dazhi (also known as Liu Yongze and Alvin), male, born on  [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED], 1977 in Xinhuang Autonomous County, Hunan, citizen ID No.  [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED], Han ethnicity, college education, employee of Changsha Funeng Information Technology Co., Ltd., household registration at [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED], Huangzhou Town, Xinhuang Dong Autonomous County, Hunan, rental address  [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED], Wangcheng District, Changsha, Hunan. On July 22, 2019, he was taken into criminal detention on suspicion of committing the crime of subversion of state power. He was arrested on August 26 of the same year. He is currently being held at the Hunan State Security Office detention center.

Defense counsel Zhou Tiequn is a lawyer at the Zhenze Hunan Law Firm.

Defense counsel Zeng Jie is a lawyer at the Zhenze Hunan Law Firm.

On June 24, 2020, in the Chang Procuratorate Second Criminal Indictment (2020) No. 42, the People's Procuratorate of Changsha charged defendants Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong , and Liu Dazhi with committing the crime of subversion of state power, and filed a public prosecution with this Court. On June 30, 2020, this Court opened and docketed the case, and formed a collegial panel in accordance with the law. On July 14, 2020, it convened a pre-trial conference, on September 3 of the same year convened hearings to try this case. The People's Procuratorate of Changsha assigned prosecutors Han Bingnan and Deng Feng, and prosecutors assistant Li Aihua to appear in court in support of the public prosecution. Defendant Cheng Yuan and his defense counsels Wang Xiang and Tang Jiaojie, defendant Wu Gejianxiong and his defense counsels Chen Hongyi and Chen Ruchao, and defendant Liu Dazhi and his defense counsels Zhou Tiequn and Zeng Jiejun appeared in court to participate in the proceedings. During this period, this Court in accordance with the law reported to the High People's Court of Hunan for a decision to extend the trial period for three months, and three times in accordance with the law reported to the Supreme People's Court for a decision to extend the trial period for three months. The trial has now concluded.

The People's Procuratorate of Changsha charged: On several occasions defendants Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi accepted anti-China training from foreign hostile organizations, and formed the idea of subverting state power and overthrowing the State's current political system. In January 2016, Cheng Yuan registered and established the Hong Kong Yuanzhong Culture Communication Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hong Kong Yuanzhong") in Hong Kong. In March 2017, Cheng Yuan provided capital for the establishment of the Changsha Funeng Information Technology Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Changsha Funeng"). From the first half of 2017 to before the case was broken, Cheng Yuan applied to foreign organizations to obtain funds for the "project" in the name of the two companies. He acted in league with Wu Gejianxiong and Liu Dazhi to carry out so-called "Protecting Lawyers' Right to Practice," "Lawyers' Practice Rights Protection," "Training the Trainers," and "Labor Rights Protection" projects in the name of "Changsha Funeng." Using this as a cover, they denigrated and attacked our country's judicial system, and provided foreign parties with materials attacking the status quo of our country's rule of law. They maliciously sensationalized and smeared the image of the State, they provoked and intensified dissatisfaction with the government among those who did not know the truth. They taught methods and techniques of confronting the government, explored and cultivated hostile forces, and instigated and launched so-called "social movements," with the intent to subvert state power. The specific facts are as follows:

1. In the first half of 2017, defendant Cheng Yuan applied for "Project" funds totaling approximately US$135,000 from foreign organizations in the names of "Hong Kong Yuanzhong" and "Changsha Funeng." He implemented the "Protecting Lawyers' Right to Practice Project" and "Lawyers' Practice Rights Protection Project," acted in league with Liu Dazhi and Wu Gejianxiong to hold salons, seminars, and other activities, and in the form of interviews and self-media dissemination attacked our country's judicial system, and in the form of "Project Applications" and "Project Reports" provided foreign parties with materials attacking the status quo of our country's rule of law.

2. In November 2018, defendant Cheng Yuan applied for more than RMB 140,000 in "Project" funds from foreign organizations in the name of "Changsha Funeng." He implemented the "Training the Trainers Project," acted in league with Liu Dazhi and Wu Gejianxiong and, through the development of training activities, taught the methods and techniques of using socially sensitive incidents to instigate relevant individuals to spread bad information through self-media and manufacture factors of social instability, and cultivated resistance forces.

3. In March 2019, defender Cheng Yuan applied for US$18,000 in "Project" funds of from foreign organizations in the names of "Hong Kong Yuanzhong," and "Changsha Funeng." He implemented the "Labor Rights Protection Project," and the " Project Documentation" clearly stated that the purpose of implementing the "Project" was to "directly influence the legitimacy and stability of the central government regime." Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi maliciously sensationalized and smeared the image of the State through online and offline activities, provoking Internet users who did not know the truth to confront and oppose government agencies, and utilized a series of activities to seek out "labor backbones," form "autonomous labor unions," and instigate "labor movements" with the intent to to change our country's current political system.

On July 22, 2019, defendants Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi were apprehended and brought to justice.

With respect to the aforementioned facts charged in the indictment, the public prosecution agency produced evidence to the court including photos of physical evidence such as mobile phones and computers, entry and exit records, bank statements, industrial and commercial information registration inquiries, household registration information and other documentary evidence, the witness testimony of Luo [OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL], Hong [OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL], [OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL] and others, audio-visual materials, electronic data, remote crime scene investigation transcripts, identification transcripts, forensic opinions, and the statements and justifications of defendants Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi.

The public prosecution agency alleged that the actions of defendants Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi were carrying out subversion of state power and the overthrow the socialist order, and were the commission of an offense under the provisions of Article 105(1) of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," and they should be subject to criminal liability for the crime of subversion of state power.

Defendants Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi were all active participants, and as regards the specific crimes that were committed together by these three individuals,defendant Cheng Yuan played the main role, and was the primary culprit. Defendants Wu Gejianxiong, Liu Dazhi played secondary roles, and were accessories. After being taken into police custody Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi were able to make truthful statements of their own criminal facts. Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi confessed their guilt and accepted punishment, and it is recommended that defendant Cheng Yuan be sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of five years and five years deprivation of political rights, that defendant Wu Gejianxiong be sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of three years and two years deprivation of political rights, and that defendant Liu Dazhi be sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of two years and two years deprivation of political rights. In accordance with the provisions of Article 176 of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China," it requests this Court pass sentence in accordance with the law.

Defendants Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi did not object to the charged facts, offense, and sentencing recommendation, signed an undertaking, and did not have any objections during the hearing process.

Defendant Cheng Yuan's defense counsel proffered these defenses:(1) In the "Labor Rights Protection Project" Cheng Yuan mere played a secondary role. The project's project documents were written, planned, and carried out by Wu Gejianxiong. The project funding declarations were done by Cheng Yuan. (2) In the "Protecting Lawyers' Right to Practice Project" and "Lawyers' Practice Rights Protection Project" Cheng Yuan did not himself cause any consequences that severely endangered society. (3) Cheng Yuan has no criminal record and has confession and other circumstances, and it is asked that he be shown leniency .

Defendant Wu Gejianxiong's defense counsel proffered these defenses: (1)Wu Gejianxiong was not an active participant in the commission of the crime of subversion of state power, and was just another participating individual. (2) Wu Gejianxiong made truthful statements, he confessed his guilt and accepted punishment, and it is asked that he be shown leniency .

Defendant Liu Dazhi's defense counsel proffered these defenses: (1) Liu Dazhi's subjective malice was minor, and his ideological change was influenced by hostile forces at home and abroad. (2) Although Liu Dazhi participated in acts that carried out subversion of state power actions, his actions did not have the harmful consequences Project targets like the poisonous effects on targets of the Lawyer's Project. (3) Liu Dazhi was an accessory, and should be given a lighter and reduced punishment. (4) Liu Dazhi has shown frankness, confessed his guilt and accepted punishment, and should be granted leniency.

It was ascertained at trial that on several occasions defendants Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi accepted anti-China training from foreign hostile organizations, and formed the idea of subverting state power and overthrowing the State's current political system, and took actions with respect thereto. In January 2016, Cheng Yuan registered and established "Hong Kong Yuanzhong" in Hong Kong. In March 2017, Cheng Yuan provided capital for the establishment of "Changsha Funeng". From the first half of 2017 to before the case was broken, Cheng Yuan applied to foreign organizations for "projects" and funds in the name of the two companies. He acted in league with Wu Gejianxiong and Liu Dazhi taken on "projects" from foreign organizations, and carried out so-called "Protecting Lawyers' Right to Practice," "Lawyers' Practice Rights Protection," "Training the Trainers," and "Labor Rights Protection" projects in the name of "Changsha Funeng," and denigrated and attacked our country's judicial system, and provided foreign parties with materials attacking the status quo of our country's rule of law. They smeared the image of the State, they provoked and intensified dissatisfaction with the government among those who did not know the truth. They taught methods and techniques of confronting the government, explored and cultivated hostile forces, and instigated and launched so-called "social movements," with the intent to subvert state power. The specific facts are as follows:

1. In the first half of 2017, defendant Cheng Yuan applied for "Project" funds totaling approximately US$135,000 from foreign organizations in the names of "Changsha Funeng" and "Hong Kong Yuanzhong." He implemented the "Protecting Lawyers' Right to Practice Project" and "Lawyers' Practice Rights Protection Project," acted in league with defendants Liu Dazhi and Wu Gejianxiong to hold salons, seminars, and other activities, and in the form of interviews and self-media dissemination attacked our country's judicial system, and in the form of "Project Applications" and "Project Reports" provided foreign parties with materials attacking the status quo of our country's rule of law.

2. In November 2018, defendant Cheng Yuan applied for more than RMB 140,000 in "Project" funds from foreign organizations in the name of "Changsha Funeng." He implemented the "Training the Trainers Project." This "project" targeted certain lawyers who were violating laws and regulations as trainees, through which they trained and mobilize different interest groups to promote the development of "social movements." Defendants Cheng Yuan, Liu Dazhi and Wu Gejianxiong, through the development of training activities, taught trainees methods and techniques of using socially sensitive incidents to instigate relevant individuals to create social instability, and cultivated resistance forces in order to subvert state power.

3. In March 2019, defendant Cheng Yuan applied for US$18,000 in "Project" funds of from foreign organizations in the names of "Hong Kong Yuanzhong," and "Changsha Funeng." He implemented the "Labor Rights Protection Project," and the " Project Documentation" clearly stated that the purpose of implementing the "Project" was to "directly influence the legitimacy and stability of the central government regime." Defendants Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi maliciously sensationalized hot-button topics, instigated lawsuits, expanded the influence of disruptive activities abroad, smeared the image of the State through online and offline activities, provoking Internet users who did not know the truth to confront and oppose government agencies, and utilized a series of activities to seek out "labor backbones," form "autonomous labor unions," and instigate "labor movements" with the intent to to change our country's current political system.

On July 22, 2019, defendants Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi were apprehended and brought to justice. After being taken into police custody the three defendants made truthful statements of their own criminal facts. The aforementioned facts have been proven by the following evidence that was examined and determined to be true during trial:

I. Evidence of the Process by which the Three Defendants Formed Their Subjective Intent

1. Defendant Cheng Yuan's statement. In 2012, he went to Chiang Mai, Thailand and Geneva, Switzerland to participate in two training sessions organized by the "Rights Defense Network." He learned about the concepts, cases, and methods of the "Nonviolent Non-Cooperation Movement," and then participated in the lecture on "Eight Stages and Four Roles of Social Movements." He gradually mastered the methods of establishing social organizations and launching social movements in order to overthrow our country's existing political system, such as mobilizing various interest groups, launching various rights defense movements, social movements, and street revolutions from the bottom up, and carrying out a "color revolution" in China. He successively established different companies in different cities which were actually for the implementation of the three steps of social movements in the form of projects. He cultivated and explored social movement "leaders," encouraging them to establish their own organizations in different groups in order to make organizational preparations for making political demands in the future. "Hong Kong Yuanzhong" is a shell company, and the main purpose of establish it was to accept funds from foreign organizations, which were mainly used by "Changsha Funeng" to carry out "projects" in China. His purpose of establishing "Changsha Funeng" is to accept foreign funds in a legal capacity, establish organizations in various groups, carry out social movements, and overthrow the current state system when the time is right. "Changsha Funeng" was also operated in this manner.

2. Defendant Wu Gejianxiong's statement. His personal life and upbringing created misunderstandings about, and hatred for, the policies of the Communist Party. After joining "Changsha Funeng," he fell under the influence of Cheng Yuan and Liu Dazhi and that, added to his use of wall-climbing tools to browse foreign information about "Occupy Central" issues, gave him the idea of overthrowing the Communist Party. He mastered the methods and theories of overthrowing the Communist Party by participating in foreign training, which further strengthened this idea. In December 2017, Cheng Yuan recommended that he participate in the training of "Human Rights in China" in Hong Kong for the first time. In May 2018, he assisted in giving lectures at the second "Human Rights in China" cyber security technology training held in Hong Kong. After the training, "Human Rights in China" invited him to serve as a consultant and domestic contact person. The third time he participated in the "Human Rights in China" training was the network security technology training held at the Hong Kong Island Pacific Hotel. In early December 2018, the fourth "Human Rights in China" network security technical training was held at the Hong Kong Island Pacific Hotel. In August 2018, he participated in the training organized by the "China Labor Bulletin" and got to know the person in charge of the "China Labor Bulletin." In July 2018, he went to Hong Kong to participate in a TOT (Training the Trainers) training. At the end of June 2019, he participated in security training organized by foreigners. The theme was how to deal with when the police came to arrest people.

3. Defendant Liu Dazhi's statement. Influenced by the political concepts of the Western bourgeoisie, he gradually came to question the legitimacy of China's current political system. In 2012, he got to know Cheng Yuan when he participated in a training by the "Rights Defense Network" in Geneva, Switzerland, and he deeply agreed with Cheng Yuan's work philosophy, that is, the legalization of political issues, the socialization of legal issues, and the projectification of social issues. He felt that he had found a lower-risk way engaging in social movements, and joined Cheng Yuan’s Changsha team as a full-time employee in November 2016. Since 2012, he participated in training and exchange activities organized by foreign anti-China forces. Having been influenced by western concepts of democracy and human rights over a long period time, after returning to China, he received funding from these organizations to carry out human rights activities and was trained as an agent by western forces. The activities he participated in were not simply legal rights protection, but were using rights protection as an excuse to promote the strategies and methods of social movement models, creating social contradictions and conflicts, carrying out non-violent protest actions, and stirring up public dissatisfaction with the ruling party, laying the social foundation and accumulating strength in order to launch a "Color Revolution." The reason for establishing the "Changsha Funeng" was because the foreign organization requested that the organization must be a legally registered organization so that the fund account of the "Project" funders could be audited. Establishing an organization like"Changsha Funeng" allowed them to gain additional influence by having legal place from which to operate. The foreign organizations funded institutions like "Changsha Funeng" to carry out "Projects" within mainland China in the name of legal rights protection, and used man-made cases as breaches and smeared China's judicial system to achieve the goal of consuming China's judicial resources. The long-term goal of "Changsha Funeng" was to make use of various groups with interests and appeals to realize group organization through organizational appeals, and when the time was ripe, to organize and launch movements to realize a Western democratic political system.

4. The Hong Kong and Macau permits, passports, travel permits to and from Taiwan, and entry and exit records of defendants Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi clearly indicate the circumstances in which the three defendants went abroad to receive training from foreign hostile organizations.

5. Documentation of defendant Liu Dazhi's participation in trainings, ISHR (International Service for Human Rights) Certificate, and "Nonviolent Struggle Booklet" clearly indicate that in 2012, Liu Dazhi participated in training organized by the hostile organization "Rights Defense Network" in Geneva, Switzerland. At the beginning of 2014, Liu Dazhi participated in the non-violent struggle strategy training organized by the hostile organization "New School for Democracy" in Hong Kong.

6. The "Ministry of State Security of the People's Republic of China Hostile Organization Determination" clearly indicates that on July 9, 2019, "Rights Defenders," "Human Rights in China," "China Labor Bulletin," "New School for Democracy," and "China Rights in Action" were identified as hostile organizations by the Ministry of State Security.

7. Identification transcripts clearly indicate that under the organization of the investigating agency, defendants Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi identified each other, and identified Cheng Yuan as the person in charge of "Changsha Funeng," and Wu Gejianxiong and Liu Dazhi as members of "Changsha Funeng."

II. Evidence Proving the Three Defendants Jointly Engaged in Actions to Subvert State Power

1. Evidence Proving the three defendants jointly implemented the "Protecting Lawyers' Right to Practice Project," and the "Lawyers' Practice Rights Protection Project" to attack our country's judicial system with the intent to subvert state power.

(i) The statement of defendant Cheng Yuan statement that in 2017 he applied to a foreign organization for the "Protecting Lawyers' Right to Practice Project" in the name of " Changsha Funeng." The total amount of funds was about 90,000 US dollars, and all of it had been received. The "Project" period was two years, from October 2017 to September 2019. He applied to a foreign organization for the "Lawyers' Practice Rights Protection Project" in the name of "Hong Kong Yuanzhong." The funding amount was 45,000 US dollars, all of which had been received, and the "Project" period was from May 2018 to April 2019. The aforementioned two "Projects" were actually one, collectively referred to as the "Lawyer Project," but the funding side of the application was different. The activities carried out by the "Lawyer Project" mainly included organizing lawyer salons, conducting interviews with punished lawyers to understand the reasons for the revocation of their lawyer's license, etc. At the beginning of 2018, "Changsha Funeng" created the "Budding Legal Awareness" WeChat public account. In the summer of 2018, that public account was shut down, and then a "Budding Legal Awareness II" was created. The activities mentioned in the "Project" report submitted to the foreign organization were carried out. The "Lawyer Project" was aimed at lawyers. It encouraged lawyers to defend their rights and organize social movements, and selected suitable lawyers to develop their organizational capabilities, promoted them to become leaders in various groups, lead and organize social movements of various groups, and become a force to overthrow the Communist Party of China when the time is right. He, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi participated in the execution of the "Lawyer Project". He took the overall responsibility, and Liu Dazhi and Wu Gejianxiong assisted in the implementation. Zhang Yujuan and Wan Ya participated in part.

(ii) The statements of defendants Liu Dazhi and Wu Gejianxiong that Cheng Yuan applied to a foreign organization in October 2017 for the "Protecting Lawyers' Right to Practice Project." Cheng Yuan was the responsible person and wrote up the "Project Documentation" for the "Project." Liu Dazhi was in charge of finances and "Project" implementation, and Wu Gejianxiong assisted in "Project" implementation. The first two semi-annual "Project" reports were drafted by Cheng Yuan, Liu Dazhi drafted the semi-annual report from October 2018 to March 2019, and the last semi-annual report was drafted by Wu Gejianxiong. The financial part of the report was compiled into the financial statements by Liu Dazhi according to cash book's summary expenditures. In the first year, Cheng Yuan took the lead in managing Project, and in the second year, Wu Gejianxiong took the lead. Cheng Yuan applied to a foreign organization for the"Lawyers' Practice Rights Protection Project," Cheng Yuan was the responsible person for the "Project" and was responsible for writing up the "Project Documentation." Liu Dazhi was in charge of finances and "Project" implementation, and Wu Gejianxiong assisted in "Project" implementation. The Activities Section in the Quarterly Reports were written up by Liu Dazhi and Wu Gejianxiong separately. The financial part of the quarterly report was compiled into the financial statements according to cash book's summary expenditures, which was then summarized by Cheng Yuan and submitted to the investors. He implemented the real purposes of the "Lawyer Project," the first of which was was to address the current situation of the suppression of human rights lawyers after the "709 Incident" through training and activities, and to artificially create influential lawsuits under the pretext of maintaining lawyers' practice, arousing the attention of public opinion, smearing China's current judicial system, and attacking the management of lawyers by the judicial administrative departments. The second of which was to realize the so-called Western democratic political system by training human rights lawyers, discovering and cultivating group leaders, supporting human rights lawyers to establish non-governmental organizations, and forming political parties to run to become the ruling party.

(iii) The testimony of witnesses [OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL], [OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL], and [OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL] and identification transcripts: From October 27 to 28, 2018, Cheng Yuan and Wu Gejianxiong convened more than 20 people including Chen Liang, Xu Lu, and Geng Jing in the name of "Changsha Funeng" to conduct a seminar in Wuhan, Hubei. He implemented the "Protecting Lawyers' Right to Practice Project." In a mixed identification organized by the investigating agency, [OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL], [OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL], and [OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL] identified Cheng Yuan and Wu Gejianxiong.

(iv) "Lawyers' Professional Rights Protection Project Contract," "Lawyers' Professional Rights Protection Project Documentation," "Protecting Lawyers' Professional Rights Project Contract," and the "Protecting Lawyers' Professional Rights Project Documentation" clearly indicate that Cheng Yuan applied to foreign organizations in the names of " Changsha Funeng" and " Hong Kong Yuanzhong" for the "Protecting Lawyers' Right to Practice Project" and the "Lawyers' Practice Rights Protection Project." The "Project Documentation" had statements that used evaluations of our country's rule of law to smear the current judicial system such as "the 709 case has been criminally dealt with, which is the government's full blown attack on human rights lawyers. Wen Donghai, Lin Qilei and other lawyers who have been administratively punished failed to pass the examination. The government made things difficult. The newly added prohibitive regulations are not good for lawyers." The strategy was to use sensitive cases to stir up public dissatisfaction with the government, arouse public attention, and create factors of social instability. The strategy was to publish and disseminate negative information through self-media, and continue to expand its influence, and to void legal risks by not directly accepting foreign funds, not handling finances in mainland China, etc.

(v) Documentary evidence such as the "Lawyers' Practice Rights Protection Project Quarterly Report," "Lawyers' Practice Rights Protection Project Semi-Annual Report," "Lawyer Rights Salon Activity Report" and "Interview Records" clearly indicate that activities were carried out through the "Projects" such as salons, seminars, and administrative litigation, and plans were made to counter the punishment of the judiciary, and put pressure on the government. They smeared our country's judicial system by interviewing punished lawyers and attacking the judiciary's handling of lawyers' violations. They distributed and spread harmful information through WeChat public accounts, and continue to expand its influence.

(vi) Emails collected from defendant Cheng Yuan's mailbox clearly indicate that Cheng Yuan applied for the "Lawyer Project" and funds from foreign organizations, and provided "Project" reports to foreign organizations.

(vii) The "Lawyer's Rights and Interests Project" Income and Expenditure Schedule: The "Lawyer Rights Protection Project" income and expenditure details from May 2018 to April 2019, the Project received 45,000 US dollars and was been fully spent. Income and expenditure details of "Protecting Lawyers' Right to Practice Project" from October 2017 to June 2019, the "Project" received $89,980.69, all of which was spent.

(viii) Documents proving that some lawyers had their licenses revoked issued by the Justice Bureau of Changsha: On June 7, 2018, the Hunan Department of Justice imposed administrative punishment on Wen Donghai by revoking his lawyer's practice certificate. On October 26, 2018, the Guangdong Department of Justice issued an "Administrative License Revocation Decision" rescinding and canceling the lawyer's practice certificate held by Chen Keyun.

2. Evidence proving the three defendants implemented the "Training the Trainers Project"(TOT) and fostered power with the intent to subvert state power

(i) Statement of defendant Cheng Yuan that the "Training the Trainers Project" was a cooperation between "Changsha Funeng" and foreign organizations, and the period was from December 2018 to June 2019." The "Project" selected lawyers whose licenses had been revoked or were about to be revoked. These lawyers had more need to protect their own rights and were more motivated to participate in actions to protect their own rights. This made it easier to train them to take action. The specific implementation content was as expressed in the "Project" final report, and the activities in the final report were implemented. The primary purpose of "Training the Trainers Project" was to enhance the training ability of lawyers participating in the "Project" through their training and mobilization to different interest groups, and to promote the implementation of campaigns in different fields. The real intention was to select lawyers to develop their organizational capabilities, promote them to become "leaders" among various groups, lead and organize social movements of various groups, and become a force to overthrow the ruling status of the Communist Party of China when the time was right. During the implementation of "Project" he played a leading role, and Liu Dazhi and Wu Gejianxiong assisted in the implementation.

(ii) Statement of defendant Liu Dazhi that the "TOT Project" was discussed between Cheng Yuan and foreign organizations, with a budget of about 140,000 RMB. Cheng Yuan was responsible for the "Project." He was the executor of the "Project", and Wu Gejianxiong assisted in recording trainees' training practice activities. The "Project" held a preparatory meeting in December 2018, held the first training meeting in January 2019, and carried out training activities for different targets for trainees until June 2019. The "Project" has ended, and"Project Reports" and financial data have been sent by him to the foreign organizations. The implementation of the "TOT Project" was intended to discover activists in the group, carry out the indoctrination of Western human rights values, recommend those who were particularly active to receive training and study abroad, let these trainees artificially create lawsuits, spread public opinion through the media, and convey to the society false images such as prominent social contradictions in China and judicial injustice, making the public question the government's ability to govern. This was to continue for a long time, and in the event of a major social event, the affected and capable "community leaders" could form an opposition political party and openly confront the ruling party in an attempt to change the current political system.

(iii) Statement of defendant Wu Gejianxiong that the "TOT Project" mainly selected lawyers whose licenses had been revoked or were about to be revoked, and those who participated in the "New Citizens Movement" as targets for training. The purpose of the activity was to discover "leaders" among different groups, and the "leaders" would organize various groups to carry out social movements.

(iv) The Police Handling Report of the Public Security Bureau of Zhengzhou's Changxing Road Branch recorded: On May 18, 2019, the public security agency received reports from the public that there were suspicious people entering and leaving the Jingshui Garden residential area of Zhongzhou Avenue in Yuankou Township, Huiji District, Zhengzhou. The public security agency went to the scene to investigate and found about ten men gathering in a residence. The aforementioned individuals claimed to be lawyers holding a meeting here to study house demolition cases. The public security agency registered the aforementioned individuals, and Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Duan Hanjie were present.

(v) The testimony of witness Duan Hanjie: He once participated in a "lawyer activity" in a residential area on Zhongzhou Avenue in Zhengzhou, about ten lawyers participated, and the "709" incident was mentioned at the scene.

(vi) The "TOT Project Interim Report," "TOT Project Final Report" and the "TOT Project Training Meeting Activity Report" clearly indicate the "Project" spread so-called "rights defense" legal tools and experience to trainees through training activities, used socially sensitive events, encouraged relevant individuals to spread negative information through self-media, and created social instability. The party implementing the "Project" was "Changsha Funeng," which held training sessions in Guangzhou and Xianning, Hubei.

(vii) The TOT Training Conference Budget and Expenditure Schedule: The "Project" had a budget of RMB 146,000 and expenditures of RMB 146,000.

3. Evidence proving the three defendants carried out the "Labor Rights Protection Project" and formed a political party with the intent to subvert state power

(i) Statement of defendant Wu Gejianxiong that Cheng Yuan said that working on "movements" was very risky and it was easy to get caught, but it would shake the ruling foundation of the Chinese Communist Party. Based on this, and coupled with the "996 Affair," it officially decided to launch a "Labor Project," which would make programmers realize the importance of the eight-hour working system and fight for their own rights, using programmers as the seeds of spreading these contents, further affecting all working classes, and even overthrowing the Communist Party. He was very concerned about the Shenzhen Jasic incident, and read the "China Labor Bulletin" report that more and more labor movements would break out in China in the future. In particular, in August 2018, "China Labor Bulletin" director Han Dongfang said in a training that he should not give up the hope of engaging in a "labor movement" and overthrowing the Communist Party, so he was even more convinced that a labor could can overthrow the Communist Party of China. On April 2, 2019, he began writing the "Labor Rights Protection Project Documentation." On two occasions on April 4 and 7, he sent the "Labor Rights Protection Project Documentation" to Cheng Yuan. On April 17, he, Cheng Yuan, and Liu Dazhi had a discussion in the office. Cheng Yuan asked him to write a simplified account of "996," and the financial manager of "Project" was Liu Dazhi. The "Labor Rights Protection Project" was Cheng Yuan's responsibility to apply for funds from foreign organizations and lead the entire "Project." Cheng Yuan asked Liu Dazhi to be in charge of project finances and instructed him to be responsible for specific tasks. The amount of "Project" funds was about 18,000 US dollars, and the period was from May to September 2019. At present, three activities had been implemented, namely submitting an application for information disclosure to the government, sending the "Labor Law" to entrepreneurs, and submitting proposals for revision of the "Labor Supervision Regulations" to the government.

(ii) Statements of defendants Cheng Yuan and Liu Dazhi that around March 2019, a foreign organization suggested that Cheng Yuan could apply for a temporary "Project" from May to September 2019. Cheng Yuan ordered Wu Gejianxiong to write "Project Documentation" with labor rights protection as its content. On April 4 and 7, Wu Gejianxiong sent the "Labor Rights Protection Project Documentation" to Cheng Yuan's mobile phone twice via WHAT'SAPP. On April 18, Cheng Yuan asked Wu Gejianxiong to write an activity description of the activity with labor rights protection as its content. Cheng Yuan also asked Liu Dazhi to prepare a May-September budget and another July-September budget based on the activity description Wu Gejianxiong wrote. On the evening of April 18, Liu Dazhi sent the two budgets and the activity description written by Wu Gejianxiong to Cheng Yuan via WHAT'SAPP. Cheng Yuan then sorted out the event description written by Wu Gejianxiong and titled it "Temporary Activity Application Description" and sent it to Wan Yaqiu, requesting that it be translated into English. Cheng Yuan sent the English version of "Temporary Activity Application Description" and two "Project" budgets to a foreign organization, and emailed the "Project" budget of more than 17,000 US dollars revised by Liu Dazhi to a foreign organization. On June 18, the foreign organization stated that the "Project" budget had been approved. Cheng Yuan was in charge of the "Project," Wu Gejianxiong assisted in the implementation, and Liu Dazhi ws in charge of the financial work of the "Project."

(iii) The "Labor Rights Protection Project Documentation" and the "Temporary Activity Application Description" clearly indicate that the real goal of the "Labor Rights Protection Project" was to discover labor leaders, form autonomous labor unions, and directly affect the legitimacy and stability of the central government's regime. The "Project" set up two lines, the visible (A) and the hidden (B). Goal A was to promote the eight-hour work system and the two-day rest system by advocating against the "996" work system. Goal B was to discover "labor leaders" and form "autonomous labor unions" in the process of launching labor movements in various places, disrupting the central government's control over local governments, and influencing the legitimacy and stability of the regime.

(iv) WHAT'SAPP chat records between defendants Cheng Yuan and Wu Gejianxiong clearly indicate that those two planned and discussed having Wu Gejianxiong take over the 9961aw forum anonymously, sensationalized the "996" work system, hired a lawyer to act on a case claiming "overtime pay," accepted foreign media interviews, and publicized anti-"996" actions.

(v) WHAT'SAPP chat records among defendants Cheng Yuan, Liu Dazhi, and Wu Gejianxiong and Wan Yaqiu discussing the "Labor Rights Protection Project" clearly indicate that Cheng Yuan directed Wu Gejianxiong to write the "Labor Rights Protection Project Documentation" and "Temporary Activity Application Description." Cheng Yuan directed Liu Dazhi to formulate " Project" budgets, and instructed Wan Xinmei (Wan Yaqiu) to translate " Project" applications into English.

(vi) Electronic data collected from defendant Cheng Yuan's mailbox: Cheng Yuan sent the "Labor Rights Protection Project" application and budget to a foreign organization several times through this email address, and signed a "Project" agreement with the foreign organization. The "Project" budget was 17,775 US dollars, and the period was 5 months. The "Project" was approved by the foreign organization.

(vii) Signal chat records and certain emails of defendant Wu Gejianxiong clearly indicate that Wu Gejianxiong gave interviews to foreign reporters from the "New York Times," "People," and NHK, which then spread the circumstances of the "Labor Rights Protection Project" creation and development.

(viii) Documentary evidence including Government Information Disclosure Application Forms, Government Information Disclosure Application Notifications, Administrative Indictments, Notices of Response to Litigation, invoices issued to Hong Chaoqing by the Sichuan Zhuoyu Law Firm, and Wu Gejianxiong's, designated reimbursement documents: On April 29, 2019, Hong Chaoqing mailed a government information disclosure application form to the Chengdu Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and submitted 6 government information disclosure applications. On May 6, the Chengdu Human Resources and Social Security Bureau gave a written reply to Hong Chaoqing. On May 20, Hong Chaoqing filed an administrative lawsuit with the People's Court of the Chengdu High-tech Industrial Development Zone on the grounds that the Chengdu Human Resources and Social Security Bureau "created the grounds for refusing information disclosure without a clear legal basis." On June 10, the court notified the Chengdu Human Resources and Social Security Bureau to participate in the proceedings. Hong Chaoqing commissioned Sichuan Zhuoyu Law Firm to act on the case, and the 10,000 yuan lawyer's representation fee was paid by "Changsha Funeng."

(ix) Testimony of witness[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]: In April 2019, he met a person named CPdogson on the open source code website GITHUP, and under his instructions, he submitted information disclosure applications to the human resources and social security bureaus of Shenzhen, Chengdu, Suzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou and other cities, and later decided to file an administrative lawsuit against the human resources and social security bureau of Chengdu. CPdogson introduced him to the lawyer Yang Qing in Chengdu, and transferred 10,000 yuan to him to pay the lawyer's representation fee by depositing without using a card. On October 14, 2019, he entrusted representing lawyer Yang Qing to conduct pre-trial mediation with the Chengdu Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

(x) Testimony of witness[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]: On May 16, 2019, Cheng Yuan asked him through a friend's introduction for help with representation to sue the Chengdu Human Resources and Social Security Bureau in an administrative lawsuit on the grounds that it did not disclose information in accordance with the law. The actual applicant, Hong Chaoqing, contacted him and paid 10,000 yuan as a lawyer’s representation fee. Hong Chaoqing said that he had submitted a similar application for information disclosure to the Hangzhou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. After reviewing the documentation, he obtained the labor complaint case statistics. On October 14, 2019, Hong Chaoqing entrusted him to conduct pre-trial mediation with the Chengdu Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

(xi) Testimony of witness[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL] and defense transcripts: In May 2019, he participated in a training on "social movements" organized by the Taiwan Yunyou Studio. The training party believed that the "996" affair in the mainland was a relatively successful case of a social movement. During the training, Wu Gejianxiong was both a trainee and a trainer. At the training meeting, Wu Gejianxiong introduced the entire development process of the "996" affair, focusing on how to "depoliticize," "aestheticize," and "diversify". In the mixed identification organized by the investigating agency, Luo Meihua identified Wu Gejianxiong.

(xii) Testimony of witness[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]: On April 18, 2019, Cheng Yuan asked him to translate the "996 Project" materials into English, so as to facilitate their spread and promotion abroad and expand the influence of "Project."

IV. Evidence Proving Collective Facts

1. The household registration of defendants Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi: The three defendants have all reached the age of criminal liability for committing crimes.

2. Hunan Pengcheng Certified Public Accountants Forensic Accounting Forensic Opinion Report: Circumstances of the funds receipt and payment for "Changsha Funeng's" implementation of the "Project," which is to say, the foreign organization funded the "Lawyers' Rights Protection Project" with USD 89,980.69, the "Lawyers' Practice Rights Protection Project" with USD 45,000, the "Training the Trainers Project" with RMB 146,000, and the "Labor Rights Protection Project" with USD 18,000. The main mode of transfer of foreign funds to the domestic "Project" was that after the foreign bank account received the foreign funds, they withdraw them in the form of cash withdrawal, and then convert them into RMB through a conversion shop in Hong Kong and transfer them to the domestic personal accounts of Cheng Yuan, Zhang Yujuan, Liu Dazhi and others designated by Cheng Yuan. After Cheng Yuan accepted foreign funds, he would pay the funds required for "Project" expenses to Zhang Yujuan, Liu Dazhi and other domestic "Project" financial personnel, and the domestic "Project" financial personnel would be responsible for the actual expenditure of the "Project" in China. "Changsha Funeng" had no other business activities and business income except accepting foreign funds to carry out "Project" activities.

3. The Handwriting Forensic Analyze Opinion Letter from the Judicial Forensic Center of the Hunan State Security Bureau: The Chinese and English materials written by Wu Gejianxiong were written in the same handwriting as "Nagi" on the "reimbursement receipt cover," "labor expense voucher," "salary slip," and the "overtime subsidy distribution form," which means that Wu Gejianxiong and "Nagi" are the same person.

4. "Changsha Funeng's" business license, account opening permit, enterprise registration form, company registration application form, tax registration form, declaration details query, shareholder meeting resolution, and company articles of association: "Changsha Funeng" was established on March 31, 2017, and its legal representative was Liu Dazhi. On October 23, 2017, the legal representative was changed to Cheng Yuan. On July 22, 2019, the legal representative was changed from Cheng Yuan to Liu Dazhi. The company had no normal legal operating income.

5. "Hong Kong Yuanzhong's" registration documents, financial audit report, bank account application information, and bank account information: "Hong Kong Yuanzhong" was established on January 6, 2016.

6. Testimony of witnesses [OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL] and [OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]: After "Changsha Funeng" was established, Cheng Yuan was in charge of the approval of the company's funds in and out of the "Project" work report, and played a leading role in the company. Liu Dazhi was in charge of finances and "Project" execution, and Wu Gejianxiong was in charge of "Project" execution.

Regarding the defense opinions proffered by the defense counsels of each defendant, based on the facts and evidence ascertained in the trial, this Court's judgment as follows:

1. Regarding the defense opinion proffered by the defense counsel for defendants Cheng Yuan and Liu Dazhi that some of the "Projects" did not create any severe jeopardizing consequences. An investigation of the evidence in this case proved that Cheng Yuan acted in league with Wu Gejianxiong and Liu Dazhi to carry out "Protecting Lawyers' Right to Practice" and other "Projects" which attacked our country's judicial system, continuously distributed and spread negative information, provided foreign parties with materials attacking the status quo of our country's rule of law, smeared the image of the State, provoked and intensified dissatisfaction with the government among those who did not know the truth, and manufactured factors of social instability, and this brought about a realistic danger of subversion of state power and the overthrow of our country's currently existing socialist system, and severely jeopardized national security and social stability. Therefore this defense opinion cannot be established, and is not accepted by this Court.

2. Regarding the defense opinions proffered by the defense counsels for defendant Cheng Yuan that Cheng Yuan played a secondary role in the "Labor Rights Protection Project," and for defendant Wu Gejianxiong that Wu Gejianxiong was not an active participant in the commission of the crime of subversion of state power, and for defendant Liu Dazhi that Liu Dazhi's subjective malice was relatively minor. An investigation of the evidence in this case proved that, during the application and implementation process of the "Labor Rights Protection Project," Cheng Yuan instructed Wu Gejianxiong to write "Project Documentation," "instructed Liu Dazhi to formulate a financial budget, and he was responsible for the application and implementation of the "Project," so he did not play a secondary role in the "Project." Wu Gejianxiong was a specific implementer of the "Project," assisted in the implementation of the "Project," and was identified as another participant. Liu Dazhi went abroad many times to participate in relevant training, and he was a specific implementer of the "Project," so it cannot be considered that his subjective malice was relatively minor. Therefore the defense opinion proffered by the defense counsel for defendant Wu Gejianxiong that Wu Gejianxiong was another participant is established, and is adopted by this Court. The other defense opinions cannot be established, and are not accepted by this Court.

3. Regarding the defense opinion proffered by the defense counsel for defendants Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi requesting they be shown leniency. Based on an investigation, after being taken into police custody the three defendants were able to make truthful statements of their own criminal acts, have shown frankness, and voluntarily confessed their guilt and accepted punishment, and in accordance with the law may be given a lighter punishment. Therefore the defense opinion requesting they be shown leniency is establish, and is adopted by this Court.

This Court finds defendants Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi established companies to apply for funds from foreign organizations, and in the guise of implementing "Projects", carried out acts to subvert state power and overthrow the socialist order, severely jeopardizing national security and social stability, and their actions constitute the crime of subversion of state power. With respect to the public prosecution agency charge that Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi committed the crime of subversion of state power, the facts are clear, the evidence is reliable and copious, and the charged offense is established. Based on the positions and roles played by the three defendant in committing the crime of subversion of state power, defendant Cheng Yuan was an active participant, and defendants Wu Gejianxiong and Liu Dazhi were his accomplices. After being taken into police custody defendants Cheng Yuan, Wu Gejianxiong, and Liu Dazhi were able to make truthful statements of their own criminal acts, voluntarily confessed their guilt and accepted punishment, and may be be given a lighter punishment. The sentencing recommendation of the public prosecution agency is appropriate. Based on the facts, nature, circumstances and degree of social endangerment of the three defendants' crime, and in accordance with the provisions of Articles 105(1), 55(1), 56(1), and 67(3) of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China" and Article 200(1) of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China," the judgment is as follows:

1. Defendant Cheng Yuan committed the crime of subversion of state power, and is sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of five years and five years deprivation of political rights;

(The prison term is to be calculated starting on the day the judgment is executed, with one day of the sentence to be offset for each day of detention prior to the execution of this judgment, that is from July 22, 2019 to July 21, 2024.)

2. Defendant Wu Gejianxiong committed the crime of subversion of state power, and is sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of three years and two years deprivation of political rights;

(The prison term is to be calculated starting on the day the judgment is executed, with one day of the sentence to be offset for each day of detention prior to the execution of this judgment, that is from July 22, 2019 to July 21, 2022.)

3. Defendant Liu Dazhi committed the crime of subversion of state power, and is sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment off two years and two years deprivation of political rights;

(The prison term is to be calculated starting on the day the judgment is executed, with one day of the sentence to be offset for each day of detention prior to the execution of this judgment, that is from July 22, 2019 to July 21, 2021.)

If any party does not accept this judgment, they may within 10 days after the second day after receiving this written judgment bring an appeal through this Court or directly to the High People's Court of Hunan. A written appeal should be submitted with one original and two copies of the appeal brief.

Chief Adjudicator Xiaohong Zou

Adjudicator Zhao Zhe

Adjudicator Lu Xuan

July 20, 2021

Clerk Huang Zhen





被告人程渊(化名江南、Mike),男,1973年1 [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED]出生于江苏省南京市,公民身份号码 [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED],汉族,中专文化,长沙富能信息科技有限公司法定代表人,香港源众信息传播有限公司董事,户籍所在地江苏省南京市雨花台区 [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED],租住地广东省深圳市龙岗区 [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED]。因涉嫌犯颠覆国家政权罪,于2019年7月22日被刑事拘留,同年8月26日被逮捕。现押湖南省国家安全厅看守所。


被告人吴葛健雄(化名吴起帆、Nagi),男,1995年 [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED]出生于江西省永修县,公民身份号码 [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED],汉族,大学文化,长沙富能信息科技有限公司职员,户籍所在地浙江省杭州市萧山区 [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED],租住地湖南省长沙市望城区 [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED]。因涉嫌犯颠覆国家政权罪,于2019年7月22日被刑事拘留,同年8月26日被逮捕。现押湖南省国家安全厅看守所。


被告人刘大志(化名刘永泽、Alvin),男,1977年 [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED]出生于湖南省新侗族自治县,公民身份号码 [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED],汉族,大学文化,长沙富能信息科技有限公司职员,户籍所在地湖南省新晃侗族自治县晃州镇 [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED],租住地湖南省长沙市望城区 [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED]。因涉嫌犯颠覆国家政权罪,于2019年7月22日被刑事拘留,同年8月26日被逮捕。现押湖南省国家安全厅看守所。





























3.证人[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]、[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]、[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]的证言及辨认笔录:2018年10月27日至28日,程渊、吴葛健雄以“长沙富能”的名义召集陈亮、徐璐、耿璟等20余人在湖北武汉开展研讨会,实施“保障律师执业权利项目”。在侦查机关组织的混杂辨认中,[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]、[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]、[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]辨认出程渊、吴葛健雄。























9.证人[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]的证言:2019年4月,他在开源代码网站GITHUP上认识一网名叫CPdogson的人,并在其指示下向深圳、成都、苏州、南京、杭州等城市人社局提交信息公开申请,后决定对成都市人社局提起行政诉讼。CPdogson向他介绍成都的杨青律师,并通过无卡存款的方式向他转账1万元用于支付律师代理费。2019年10月14日,他委托代理律师杨青与成都市人社局进行庭前调解。

10.证人[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]的证言:2019年5月16日,程渊通过朋友介绍请他帮忙代理起诉成都市人社局未依法进行信息公开的行政诉讼案件。实际申请人洪潮清与他联系,并支付1万元律师代理费,洪潮清说已向杭州市人社局也提交了类似的信息公开申请,复议后拿到了劳动者投诉案件统计表;2019年10月14日,洪潮清委托他与成都市人社局进行庭前调解。

11.证人[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]的证言、辨认笔录:2019年5月,他参加台湾云游工作室组织的关于“社会运动”的培训,培训方认为大陆的“996”事件活动是比较成功的社会运动案例,活动过程比较隐蔽,对发起者和组织者起到了很好的保护。培训期间,吴葛健雄既是受训者又兼培训者。在培训会上,吴葛健雄重点介绍了“996”事件的整个发展过程,重点讲了怎样“去政治化”“艺术化”“多样化”的问题。在侦查机关组织的混杂辨认中,罗美华辨认出了吴葛建雄。

12.证人[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]的证言:2019年4月18日,程渊让他将“996项目”资料翻译成英文,便于在国外传播、推广,扩大“项目”影响力。







6.证人[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]、[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]的证言:“长沙富能”成立以来,程渊负责公司的资金进出“项目”工作报告的审定,在公司中起主导地位,刘大志负责财务及“项目”执行,吴葛健雄负责“项目”执行。













审判长 邹啸弘
审判员 赵喆
审判员 鲁璇


书记员 黄真



Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

The PRC government sentenced Sun Zhiming (孙志明, who wrote under the alias Sun Daluo (孙大骆)) to one year imprisonment for the crime of "di...